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wind energy

Homepage  /  Teamevents  /  Designers team buildings  /  Wind Energy


The Technological and Marketing souls of your company will have to converge in this activity.The Wind Farm you will create will power up a giant luminous panel representing your Company's logo, your mission or anything that can remind for long the success achieved by your staff persons.

In this heterogeneous activity the Technological and Marketing souls of your company will have to converge to build and interconnect wind turbines that will give energy to an LED DISPLAY.

A special team building to enhance the environment by creating clean energy.

Your team will build a wind turbine from start to end!

Each team will be tasked to build a wind turbine correctly.  Wind farms consist of many individual wind turbines, which are connected to the electric power transmission network, charging a battery and turn on an LED display.

The result?
A giant luminous representation of your Company's logo, your mission, your values or anything that will represent a long lasting memory of a success your team members were able to achieve in an unexplored field of operations.


to learn more about our recreational approach to team coaching and team development.

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